Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday's Schedule

The crooked fence and thin grass are distractions; will address them this weekend. 
What did I do today?
  • Finished tilling the flower bed. I noticed poison ivy against the fence as I moved down the hill. Stayed clear of it until I figure out how to safely remove it.
  • Set up the hose in front yard.  Intend to buy a splitter and buy another Sears rubber hose to water the row garden in the back yard.  Having hoses ready and at hand is the secret to keeping up with the watering schedule. 
  • Weeded dandelions in front west side and around fruit trees. 
  • Weeded dandelions in front yard hill but not the area around the three fruit trees (another day). 
  • Trimmed the three WPI bushes severely.  I should have cut them back to the ground earlier in the spring as I had done in prior years.  Not sure what to expect; we'll see. 
  • Swept the bottom of the driveway to street -- street sweeper was in the neighborhood. 
  • Trimmed the peach and two apple trees on upper hill.
  • Placed trays of annual and perennial flowers on newly tilled flower bed.  Also decided which flowers will be placed on the north side of the hoophouse and in containers. 
  • I tipped over the window box with white lisbon onions.  Rather than replanting onions, I sowed Detroit Golden Beets. 
  • Neatened up the labeling system in outdoor beds using wooden paint stirrers from Ace Hardware.
  • Removed shredded leaf mulch from four raised beds and spread around planted raised beds.

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