Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day of the Zinnias

Today I planted out four varieties of zinnias: Thumbelina (from window box on deck), Purple, Red and Bright pink, into the front yard flower garden. Took the remaining Thumbelina zinnias and placed them in a ceramic pot for the deck.

I took off the mesh covers that were placed over strawberries and blueberries.  I don't know what I was thinking.  It was too early, the flowers need to be available for pollinators a while longer.

The Agribon 19 placed on the ground over the cabbage and brussel sprouts was a mistake.  It dried out the plants and crushed them; however, no long term damage was done.

I pinched off the leaves on the grape vine that appeared covered with small black insects.

Watered garden AGAIN.  Boy, is it dry and windy!

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