Friday, May 15, 2015

Where Have the Brassicas Gone?

I worked most of the early morning transplanting seedlings into the flower bed.  The lower quarter will be completed tomorrow morning. The seedlings planted today include:
  1. Sunflowers, Autumn Beauty (seeds) - Annual
  2. Hollyhocks, Nigra - Perennial
  3. Rock Soapwort - Perennial
  4. Salvia, Blue Bedder - Annual
  5. Black-Eyed Susan - Perennial
  6. Gypsophia, Covent Garden - Annual
Other chores completed today:
  • Removed daylilies that were too crowded or misplaced in the flower bed. 
  • Placed newly-painted, white metal tower in flower garden.
  • Transferred five geraniums with reddish pattern on leaves to separate area in flower bed.
  • Set up another trellis in raised bed (bottom rung broke off). 
  • Neatened labels in herb containers on deck.
  • Watered flower, vegetable and herb beds.
  • Planted Pansy (Swiss Giant Mix) into container near farmer's porch. 

Major Disappointment

The majority of the brassicas have been chomped down sometime in the last 24 hours.  A few cabbage and kale stand, but the rest have probably nourished a neighborhood squirrel.  Those three beds were prepared, planted, mulched, hooped and ready for Agribon coverage tomorrow.  I was a day late. The question is whether I should reseed directly now or just wait until late summer for a fall harvest.

First Harvest

Today was the first substantial harvest, two varieties of spinach, America and Bloomsdale Longstanding.  I slightly prefer the flavor of Bloomsdale Longstanding, but both were delicious, fresh and untouched by insects or animals.  The two varieties are very similar in color, shape, texture and size of leaves.

Over the past two weeks, I have also harvested small amounts of lettuce, parsley and arugula.

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