Thursday, May 28, 2015

Corn Transplants

A very respectable work day, I would say!
  • Firmed ground around cabbage and brussel sprouts seedlings. Covered cabbage and brussel sprouts bed with Agribon 19. Used fasteners from other covered bed. Will make additional ones this weekend. 
  • Tilled area near electric meter on east side of house. Widened bed by clearing some day lilies. Into this bed I planted a dozen or so Russian Mammoth Sunflowers in the rear, three artichoke seedlings in front of them, and then transplanted green cabbage and brussel sprouts from upper raised beds in front of them. 
  • Traditional row garden, bed #4 - Tilled garden. Planted densely Blue Lake Pole Stringless FM1 green beans to climb nylon trellis in front of fence.  Planted ten sweet potato slips in 3'x6' section near the edge of the bed.  The intention is for the sweet potato plants to sprawl over the pea stones.  Also planted six Paprika peppers in area near dryer vent. Behind sweet potato slips I planted 2 Mini Red, 2 Mini Orange, 2 Mini Yellow and 2 Sweet Cherry. 
  • Finished making tomato labels. 
  • In traditional row garden, bed # 2 - Planted three varieties of corn: Silver Queen, Early Bantam, Peaches 'n Dreams - 5 rows each, 10 to a row for a total of 150 corn seedlings.  Gave a sprinkling of organic pelletized fertilizer over entire bed.  In front of corn seedlings I planted 10 okra seedlings. They are rather spindly, not sure if they'll make the transplant. 
  • Watered all seeds and small seedlings. 

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