Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Time to Plant Asparagus

Favoring a swollen toe and sore back, I went out early to get the asparagus plants in the ground. First I spaded and loosened the soil, pulled out weeds and rocks and then teased out more than 50 asparagus seedlings from thirteen pots.  Into each hole, I planted one seedling on top of a mix of superphosphate (only had enough for those seedlings on the left side of the bed) and organic fertilizer.

A few of the potato plants were hilled up.

I also planted eight hills of Pumpkin, Sugar Pie (Livingston Seed Company, 2014), in four different spots at the ends of two raised beds.  After a good watering, I covered those areas with stiff, black bird netting.

It was again dry and hot, and the grass seed, containers and small seedlings needed watering at least two times.

The sunflowers were limp and lying flat in their container. It was easy to spot the culprit: four worms were having a feast. I hope I picked them off in time.

I worked on the tomato labels.

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