Thursday, May 21, 2015

Prepping Window Boxes

I emptied three quarters of the dirt in each window box, loosened what remained and added new potting mix.  I will plant lobelia and alyssum in the four window boxes tomorrow.

We are currently in a water ban.  We are not allowed to water gardens between the hours of 9am and 5pm. I watered twice today, once early in the morning and the other after dinner.

I tidied up the hoophouse and brought in some plants, i.e., basil, peppers, sunflowers, cucumbers, butternut squash, okra, etc. to shelter them from the few cold nights ahead.

I pinched off dead leaves from the eggplant seedlings in the hoophouse.  They are not going into the beds yet.  It is expected to be 40 degrees tonight.

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