Friday, May 29, 2015

TGIF! Yahoo!

Oh, how I love my Fridays!
  • Moved compost from compost bin #2 around tomatoes in three raised beds. The top half of the pile was needing more "cooking" time, but the bottom half is quite usable, although not completely ready. 
  • Set up cages and trellises for tomatoes where needed. 
  • Labeled tomatoes with new tags. The ones dangling off cages may help control the animal and bird population around the garden.  Wishful thinking. 
  • Planted onions around tomatoes in raised beds #1, 11 and 15: Walla Walla, Ringmaster and Red Bull in that order. 
  • Watered seeds and small seedlings. 
  • Threw away the two sweet potato plants I thought I would grow on in the oval tomato area. 

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