Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Motto is...

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a gardener happy, healthy and wise!!  And how I love the quiet of the morning! 

This is what I accomplished today before my favorite little people arrived for a visit:
  • Watered seedlings and seeds recently planted. 
  • Planted a large container of cumin for the herb garden on deck. 
  • Planted seeds of swiss chard (Rhubarb variety) in and amongst the swiss chard seedlings planted yesterday. 
  • Plated additional arugula, Slow Bolt, in and amongst the arugula seedlings planted yesterday. 
  • Sorted seeds ready to plant over the next few days. They included: peas (short and requiring trellis); carrots (orange and multi-colored); beans (bush and pole); pumpkins (miniature, baking and jack-o-lantern sizes); and radishes (multi-colored Easter Egg variety). 
  • Set up two white trellises. 
  • Transplanted strawberry plants from raised bed #1.  They were occupying valuable real estate; I decided to move them around the blueberry bushes.  I will also move another bed of strawberries in June after they bear fruiit.  Four raised beds of strawberries are plenty.  I don't expect good production from the strawberries around the blueberry bushes being on the north side of the stockade fence but, at the very least, they will look nice as a ground cover. 
Before dinner, I tilled half of the flower bed in preparation of planting out seedlings Wednesday afternoon. So many of the flower seedlings have outgrown their pots and need nutrition badly.  Tomorrow is the day for this important chore. 

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