Saturday, May 2, 2015

Beautiful Spring Day

Today I used the hose to water the plants in the hoophouse.  It was fast and easy, although I prefer to individually water the plants.  It's best to examine each plant carefully and water just when needed, rather than a mass watering.

I forgot to open the door to the hoophouse early this morning. I left to run errands and returned to a ninety-five degree oven. Opening the two side windows and front door allowed the heat to easily escape, although the plants did look a bit overwhelmed!  In particular, the geraniums were wilted back but, fortunately, they sprung back in no time.  I am most proud of the geraniums and coleus this year.  The varied colors of the coleus are just glorious and being in the hoophouse has deepened their color.

Postscript #1 - The Marigolds, Queen Sophia, have germinated (sowed April 29, 3 days) as well as the Cosmos, Sensation Mix (sowed April 29, 3 days).

This photo was taken on the 5th day after germination.

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