Monday, May 11, 2015

Planting Out Rest of Cool Weather Crops

I had a very accomplished day in the garden:
  • Raked up seed pods dropped by the willow tree in the neighbor's yard. 
  • Skimmed the seed pods, leaves and insects off the pool. 
  • Thinned cilantro, pak choy, beets (Detroit Dark Red), radishes (French Breakfast and Red Champion), lettuce (Parris Island), argula (organic) and dill in rear, right raised bed in hoophouse. 
  • Moved arugula (organic), lettuce (Parris Island), fennel and pak choy seedlings to outdoor raised bed. 
  • Transplanted cilantro and fennel to various sized herb pots for use on deck. 
  • Planted sixteen basil seedlings in outdoor raised bed. Planted some into various sized herb pots for use on deck.
  • Declared the chinese broccoli seeds planted in the hoophouse not viable.  
  • Thinned and transplanted endive into the space that was occupied by non-viable chinese broccoli seeds. 
  • Moved soil from other raised beds to prep the two brassica beds under hoops. Planted swiss chard (Rainbow and Fordhook), broccoli (Calebrese), cauliflower, cabbage (Danish and Golden Acre), brussel sprouts and kale (Lacinato, Winter Bor and Dwarf Blue Yates). I ultimately created a third brassica bed to accomodate all of the seedlings.  Bought another three PVC pipes in the afternoon. 
  • Inter-cropped brassica bed with lettuce. 
  • Planted celery (only four had survived the heat in the hoophouse).
  • Planted chamomile (10). 
  • Planted zaatar oregano (4). 
  • Planted rosemary (4). 
  • Planted common oregano (4). 
  • Planted common thyme (3). 
  • Planted lemongrass (3). 
  • Placed tomato cage over large sage plant in raised bed. 
  • Moved small sage from raised bed (had wintered over) to one of the large herb pots on the deck. 
Here are some pictures I took of the back yard: 


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