Thursday, May 7, 2015

Haste Makes Waste

Today I watered all the plants in the hoophouse, the raised beds, the seedlings on the growlight shelving unit and outdoor containers.  I didn't do a very thorough job, though, and lost some seedlings in the hoophouse to the heat of the past few days.

I tilled and evened out the compost/soil in five raised beds.

I cut out the flower stalks that were growing in the rhubarb.

Additional chores:
  • I set up the 3/4" tubing over two raised beds in preparation of covering the brassicas with Agribon 19.
  • I evened out the wood chip mulch in the upper portion of the raised beds, particularly around the compost bins.
  • I weeded the beds that had strawberry plants in them.

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