Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saturday's Adventures

Today's garden chores:
  • To begin, I went to local yard sales and bought a garden tower and aluminum screening.  Not sure how I will use them.
  • I trimmed the lilac bushes, the bush from WPI (name unknown), the grapevines on the arbor, the kiwi raspberry canes and the blueberry bushes.  
  • I need to research online how to propagate blueberry cuttings.  In the meantime, I placed a dozen cuttings into pre-moistened compost/soil.
  • Even though last night was in the 40's and the early morning was cloudy, I opened the hoophouse door too late and overheated many plants.  I really have neglected the hoophouse seedlings in the rear for a few days now and I paid dearly. Unfortunately, I lost many celery, red cabbage, swiss chard, broccoli, parsley and lettuce. The remaining vegetables need to be planted in the outdoor raised beds post haste.  They have outgrown their 6-packs and dry out very easily. I decided to rotate the location of seedlings in the hoophouse, bringing the ones in the rear to the front. 
  • I watered the seedlings on the growlight fixture in the family room. 
  • I tidied the Alyssum and African Daisy seedlings and pierced holes in their cups (oops, forgot to do it at sowing time).
  • I trimmed the petunias and topped off the tall ones.  The leaves are very delicate, snapping off easily.
Seeds Sowed Today
  • Zinnias, Bright Pink (harvested 2014)
  • Zinnias, Red (harvested 2014) 
  • Zinnias, Thumbelina Mix (window box on deck railing) 
  • Zinnias, Purple Prince (three 4-packs) 
  • Marigolds, yellow (harvested 2014)
  • Yellow Squash, Early Prolific Straightneck (two 4-packs)
  • Zucchini, Dark (2 4-packs)
  • Morning Glory, Shiva (mixed with Chocolate in pot to climb deck railing)
  • Morning Glory, Chocolate (mixed with Shiva in pot to climb deck railing)
  • Morning Glory, Early Call  (around the front yard lamp post, will likely plant a low growing flower around it, not sure which one). 
  • Snapdragons, Dwarf Kimosa Mix (in front of morning glory's pot near deck)
  • Okra, Clemson Spineless (three 4-packs) 
  • Lettuce, Buttercrunch (one 6-pack)

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