Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Weed and Feed Part 1

Today begins a two-week "weed and feed" schedule (1st and 15th of the month) that will be carried through the rest of the growing season. I will weed, pinch off insects, dead head blooms, thin seedlings, trellis climbing vines, tie tomatoes, eggplants and peppers and harvest crops, as well as apply epsom salt, compost, compost tea and pelletized organic fertilizer where needed.  My goal is to not let the garden look "shabby sheek" as it usually does by the end of July.

The "weed and feed" cart will be trailed behind me; it will be garaged in the hoophouse to be ready at hand!

The miscellaneous chores that I did today included:

  • Moved a Principe Borghese tomato container plant to the traditional row garden bed #3.  I buried it three inches deep.  The container itself was struggling to keep up with the watering needs of the tomato so hopefully this will help.  I am experimenting with only one of the two tomatoes of this variety. 
  • I cut back the Russet potatoes that were overgrown. This was a suggestion from Ray, a gardening blogger that I follow. 
  • I transplanted four thai basil to the hoophouse from the container on the deck. 
  • A few more potato beetles were pinched off the potato plants in the container outside the hoophouse. 
  • I placed stakes around the Mammoth sunflowers on the east side of the foundation. 
  • I cultivated the remaining free bed in the traditional row bed #3. Not sure what will be planted next. 
Postscript #1 - The tomato suckers showed absolutely no sign of wilt!

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