Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday's Doings

The ever-bearing alpine strawberries flanking the brick path received a good weeding and trimming. They have certainly matured into a wonderful hedge. Their small berries have a very concentrated sweet flavor and they look beautiful as they delicately hang off each plant. The berries are highly perishable, so I generally snack on them when I'm out in the garden or bring them in immediately to garnish my oatmeal.

It was a banner day for the June-bearing strawberries, harvesting over eight pounds of beautiful, large fruit. Tomorrow I will freeze most of them and retain some for strawberry shortcake. I'm hoping to freeze three gallons of strawberries in total and then make strawberry jam out of the rest of the bounty.

I planted Jade Bush beans and Blue Lake pole beans in the traditional row garden #3 and also transplanted three cantelope Delicious 51 seedlings from a border location to an interior spot. 

The Hubbard squash is doing the best of all squashes planted a few weeks ago.

 The corn will surpass a foot high by the 4th of July, a personal goal.

I couldn't pass up a lady bug sand box found at a yard sale yesterday; hopefully, she'll entice other lady bugs to join her in our yard.

Time to train the morning glories up the railing of the deck.

I'm trying to do a better job keeping my container tomatoes watered and nourished this summer.  So far, so good. 

I've come to appreciate portulacas, I particularly like a mix-color arrangement, but I have highlighted a pink one in the photo below.

The Mammoth Sunflowers are gaining some stature.  I seem to forget those gardens tucked in the front yard near the foundation.

The window boxes are holding their own but they are drying out very fast this year.  I will take out a plant or two this coming week and add more potting mix.

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