Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Busy Tuesday Morning

  • Into a large container I sowed Thai Basil. 
  • Into two large planters I sowed Easter Egg and Cherry Belle Radishes. 
  • Into the front row of the traditional garden bed #3 (the largest of the traditional ones), I mixed into each hole a shovelful of homemade compost and planted the following vegetable seeds: Livingston Pie Pumpkin, Delicious 51 Cantaloupe, Bush Sugar Baby Watermelon (2), Petite Yellow Watermelon, Improved Green Hubbard Squash, White Bush Scallop Patty Pan Squash, Table King Bush Acorn, Delicata Squash (2), and White Bush Lebanese Squash. 
  • I resowed Boston Pickling Cucumber seeds (Baker Creek, 2015) into raised bed #14. I had pulled out the cucumber seedlings originally planted in the rear of the bed. They suffered greatly during the rainy spell we had last week. 
  • Sowed seeds of Clemson Spineless Okra into one very large container.  The seedlings planted in traditional row garden bed #2 did not fare well in the rain.  
  • Sowed Little Fingers and Nantes Carrots into two medium-sized but deep containers.  

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