Thursday, June 11, 2015

First Big Harvest

It was time to harvest many of the "greens" and miscellaneous crops grown in the hoophouse the past few months: collards, arugula, lettuce, endive, radishes, pak choy and parsley. The harvest totalled over sixteen pounds. A second refrigerator becomes a necessity this time of the year.

In addition, I finished the following chores:
  • Trimmed the bushes overhanging the fences surrounding the back and front yards. 
  • Found a new home for west side coleus. The leaves were definitely fading with the afternoon sun; it is now located in the upper left corner of the flower garden. 
  • Planted what remained of onion sets in the hoophouse around three tomato plants, approximately eighteen. 
  • Tilled and prepped the soil in the hoophouse beds for future seeding. There were many beetles and parsley catepillars observed.  I picked off and removed most of what was easily visible. 
  • Planted the remaining flowers except for the nasturiums in bare spots in the front yard flower garden, i.e., sweet william, columbines (McKana and Tequila),Queen Sofia marigolds, etc. 
  • Placed Queen Sofia marigolds around the lamppost. 
  • Pinched off the top growth of the annual vincas in the north side bed outside of the hoophouse.  These plants certainly have not liked their feet wet in the very moist, clay soil. The lower leaves continue to yellow after every rain shower. 
Postscript #1 - Don't let red romaine lettuce grow too large.  The larger leaves are bitter whereas the smaller, new leaves are still sweet.  

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