Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Paving the Paths

An objective today was to line the paths in the traditional row garden with grass clippings.  Our dear neighbor saves his grass clippings and fall leaves for us.  I am particularly fond of the clippings, they have so many uses in the garden.  They decompose readily into compost, provide mulch between plants and, of course, line garden paths. Even though I prefer to line paths with straw and wood chips for esthetic reasons, they inevitabley get mixed into the garden soil, a major no, no in my book; they take very long to decompose. I work hard to incorporate only a small amount of clippings and finished or partially finished compost into the beds at the season's end.

I harvested over twelve pounds of strawberries, another big day!

I also thinned the Nantes Carrots in the large container.

Here's a view of the garden looking west from the traditional row garden:

And to think I wasn't going to plant African Daisies next year! They are such a cheerful flower, and so easy to grow!

The photos below hardly captured the wonderful yellowy-orange glow from overhead thunder clouds. A "real" camera, rather than a cell phone camera, would be fun to experiment with.

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