Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Weed and Feed Part 2

Yesterday I tended to four areas of the garden: the hoophouse, the traditional row gardens, the deck and cement patio planters and the east side front beds. The gardens look nice and tidy.

Early this morning I concentrated on the raised beds, in particular weeding the peas and beans bed. This bed looks very poor; animals have been munching on the seedlings. But some of the beans are now flowering, so not all is lost.

All that remains of the "weed and feed" activities are the flower beds in the front yard.  It's raining heavily right now, so those beds will likely be postponed to tomorrow.

Outdoor activites are so much more preferred in the spring and summer; consequently, cooking currently reads low on my "interest meter."  But the rain moved my activities indoors and I made chicken stock using defrosted chicken thighs (needed to be used today) and fresh thyme and celery from the garden. The stock simmered for four hours and yielded four quarts.  I've missed having homemade stock in my freezer.

The stock ingredients were as follows:

Chicken thighs
Sauteed onions and garlic
Fresh onions
Fresh garlic

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