Monday, July 6, 2015

Flower Garden Update

Looking up the hill
Looking down the hill
Pansies still going strong
Balloon Flowers
Empress Nasturtiums
Shasta Daisies
Mystery Flower - will cut off small flowers before they seed!
Maybe candy lily??
Impatiens doing well in the upper corner, however the lupines in back are not getting enough sun!!
Catnip overtaking rounded corner 
How I love the color of this wave petunia!! Will repeat this annual next year!!
The potentilla just past peak!
I like the verbena more than I thought I would.  
Chinese Forget-me-nots
Wonderful dahlia's, Enwin's mix. 
This year's potentilla, can't have enough. Will start more next year.  
This year's rudbeckia doing well
The two kiwi plants have met at the top!

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