Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What a Day!

My HH worked at home yesterday and allowed me to work in the garden the entire morning!! Boy, did I get alot done!
  • Transplanted cilantro seedlings to herb container on deck.
  • Planted new Basil, Genevese seeds to herb container on deck.
  • Tied morning glories to the deck railing.
  • Tied morning glory to the baker's rack.
  • Placed nasturtium on deck in picnic basket.
  • Tidied up herbs, pinching off dried or dead leaves, etc. 
  • Thinned and tied up cucumbers to deck railing.
  • Transplanted arugula seedlings to large window boxes.
  • Harvested radishes and neatened up large window boxes.
  • Put in additional staked and tied up container tomatoes.
  • Set up nylon nettings (3) for pole beans.
  • Tied cucumbers to gazebo trellis.
  • Weeded traditional row garden beds #1, #2, and #3.
  • Sowed Envy soybeans in traditional row garden bed #3.
  • First sighting of morning glory climbing deck.
  • First sighting of small yellow squash and zucchini.
  • Pinched off yellow leaves on butternut squash, really not many this year.
  • Pinched off cucumber beetles, many this year.
  • The corn in the center of the bed is approaching four feet tall.
  • Lasagna bed in front of back yard fence is not ready for planting.  Need to mound more compostable material this coming week.
  • Blueberries and kiwi raspberries still upripened.
  • Four snowball white onions have gone to seed.
  • Horseradish has finally taken hold, don't think animals will be interested any longer.
  • Peas in raised bed #9 have been eaten by critters; will clear bed and plant another crop this coming week.  However, the green bean plants in that bed have managed to set some green beans. 
  • Peppers and eggplants have finally taken good hold; are now at least a foot tall with good coloring
  • Some of the potatoes show evidence of dying back.
  • Tomatoes in the raised beds#1, #6, #11 and #15 are completely disease free, keeping fingers crossed.
  • Shallots, Red Picasso, have split anywhere from three to seven bulbs.
  • Transplanted the three cloned Principe Borghese tomatoes to a raised bed in back of hoophouse.
  • Pulled arugula (went to seed, still delicious) and swiss chard (leaves diseased) in raised bed in back of hoophouse.
  • Fennel is bulking up in raised bed in back of hoophouse.
  • Transplanted Green Arrow Peas to raised bed in hoophouse.
  • Transplanted two Thai Basil from herb container to raised bed in hoophouse.
  • Sowed Spinach Bloomsdale in hoophouse raised bed.
  • Transplanted one curley kale to raised bed in hoophouse.
  • Pulled out arugula in hoophouse raised bed.
  • Wound tomatoes around jute in hoophouse.
  • Peas, Super Sugar Snap still producing in hoophouse, but tapering off. Should yank plants and reuse that space. 
  • Two White Bush Lebanese squash have grown to inch tall in large container.  Pleased since only have one in the traditional row garden #3.
  • Remember to plant Cherry Bell radishes, old reliable variety.

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