Saturday, July 4, 2015

First Tomato and Last Strawberries

I picked the first tomato of the season, an Independence Day tomato. Not the prettiest, nor the roundest, but I'll take it!  No reason to purchase fresh tomatoes from now through November, a full six months! This year I am going to rate the taste of each tomato variety on a scale of 1 to 10, keep an accurate inventory of the number of tomatoes produced by each variety and determine the average number of tomatoes per plant variety.

Running the "clean palate" test!
I also picked the last of the Jewel Strawberries. How I loved having strawberries available for fresh eating. The harvest totalled over thirty-seven pounds and I guess twenty-five pounds are in the freezer. It will be lovely to pull them out for smoothies and shortcake in the winter.

Postscript #1 - The lettuce that remains in various containers and gardens are bitter even though they haven't bolted.

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