Friday, April 10, 2015

Tomato and Pepper Seedlings

We have lift off!  Many tomato seeds have germinated and for me this is the start of the garden season!!  The following varieties have germinated (sowed April 4, 6 days):
  1. Brandywine Red
  2. Brandywine Pink
  3. Cherokee Purple
  4. Italian Roma
  5. Tigerella
  6. Celebrity
  7. Chocolate Cherry
  8. Italian Grape
  9. Dad's Mug
  10. Crimson Cushion
  11. Super Beefsteak
  12. Rutgers
  13. Thessaloniki
  14. Amish Paste
  15. Independence Day
  16. Roman Candle
  17. Abe Lincoln
  18. Big Boy
  19. Marglobe
  20. Mortgage Lifter
  21. Jet Star
  22. Box Car Willie
  23. Beefsteak
  24. Pineapple
  25. Sungold
  26. Best Boy
  27. Gardener's Delight
  28. Kellogg's Yellow Breakfast
  29. Italian Roma (harvested)
  30. Eva's Purple Ball
The pepper varieties that have germinated include:
  1. Mini Orange
  2. Mini Yellow

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