Thursday, April 2, 2015

Organizing Seedlings

Recent purchases of two Miracle Grow products, a seed starting mix and moisture control potting soil, have been disappointing.  I tried combining the two and it made a very heavy, supersaturated mix.  Regretably, I used it the past few days to transplant seedlings and noticed today that many seedlings have been afflicted with "damping off" disease.  I quickly disposed of those seedlings and will let those containers dry out completely before watering again.

I am hoping to move some seedlings to the hoophouse soon. As you can see, all four location in my house are filled to capacity.  

Admittedly, I sowed a crazy amount of flower seeds this year. Of course, there will be some loss of plants during the hardening off period. I expect to have loads of fun planting such a wide variety of perennials and annuals. I will sow the rest of the fast-growing annuals, such as nasturtiums, zinnias and marigolds, in the hoophouse toward the end of April. 

My onions are not doing as well as last year's onions.  I can't decide if I am watering them too much or too little.  My guess is too much since the roots of the limp onions are very shallow.  I will also hold off watering them again until they are good and dry. I gave them another haircut today.  

See how few remain in the Rossa di Milano container. 
Fortunately, the rest do not look as bad. 

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