Thursday, April 9, 2015

Declaring All Onions, Leeks and Shallots a Failure

All alliums have been afflicted with damping off disease.  They are limp and very shallow rooted.  I've chosen to declare them a failure and will throw away the containers including the potting mix.  This is the first incident of damping off disease I have experienced in over five years of growing seedlings under lights.

Sad day, indeed.  I was looking foward to the wide variety of red, white and yellow onions and the gourmet shallots.  Oh well, next year!

UPDATE on Tuesday, April 14:  I decided to save the Walla Walla Onions, leeks and one other onion (can't remember what variety right now - will check in the morning).  They actually looked better after spending the last few nights outside and receiving rain water this morning.  I hope I didn't jump the gun with the other alliums.

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