Sunday, April 26, 2015

More Hoophouse Chores

The trays of seedlings in the garage would have benefited from a day or two of direct sun before being moved into the hoophouse, but I was antsy and decided to take the plunge.  I will know tomorrow whether it was a mistake or not. Fortunately, it's been a partly cloudy day, not particularly warm and rain is expected tomorrow, so I think it's a safe bet.

Herbs and asparagus in the rear; flowers, top right shelf; and vegetables, top left shelf.
The fig tree has also been moved to the hoophouse. It briefly spent time on the deck taking its first "breath" of fresh air and dose of "real" sunlight since last October
All of the leaves emerged in the past 10 days. 
Both lemon trees have been moved to the hoophouse, too. Throughout the winter and early spring, the lemon trees were in the basement and the livingroom (northeast exposure).  For the past two weeks, they've been under growlights and near a sunny window.  They've just started to leaf out.

The strawberry planters survived the winter and were moved to their usual positions on the deck.

Seeds Planted in Hoophouse Raised Bed #2 (right rear)

Beets, Detroit Dark Red - Livingston Seeds, 2014
Cilantro  - Livingston Seeds, 2014
Pak Choi - Livingston Seeds, 2013
Radish, French Breakfast - Livingston Seeds, 2014
Radish,  Red Champion - Livingston Seeds, 2014
Lettuce, Parris Island - Livingston Seeds, 2014
Arugula, Organic - MI Gardener, 2015
Dill, Mammoth - Livingston Seeds, 2014

Seeds Planted in Hoophouse Raised Bed #3 (left)

Fennel, Florence - Livingston Seeds, 2014
Collards, Georgia Southern - Ferry Morse, 2009
Endive, Green Curled - Burpee
Chinese Broccoli - Exchange
Turnips, Purple Top White Globe - Livingston Seeds

Seeds Planted in Containers

Spinach, Noble Giant (2) -, 2015

Progress on Eggplants

The eggplants in quarantine look much better.  The ones, however, placed under growlights have issues with dry, patchy leaves. It looks as if the leaves were placed too close to the light source.

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