Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday's Chores

Today's chores included:
  • Dumping yard waste and old garden supplies. 
  • Purchasing wood for beds around hoophouse (five 3'x5' beds). 
  • Organizing the scrap wood pile behind shed. 
  • Organized large pots, stakes and five gallon containers behind shed. 
  • Adding remaining compost to new raised beds. 
  • Raking up leaves that piled up near pool heater and placing them in a compost bin. 
  • Moving the big, green, plastic barrel to left of bulkhead. It will be the depository for gray water from the kitchen sink and will be used to water plants.
Postscript #1 - The only flowers that struggled acclimating to the hoophouse was Hollyhocks, Peaches 'n Dreams.  The leaves developed white, blotchy spots. Everything else had done well, I say, as I cross my fingers. 
Postscript #2 - I dug up one hosta in the side yard near the lilac bushes.  I split it in half and spaced them behind the other two.  

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