Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Big Day at the Farm

How many items on this "things to do" list did I check off today?
  • Move the two shelving units from the bay window to the hoophouse. 
  • Clean bay window, put up curtains and return pillows to window seat. 
  • Use blower to clean garage floor. 
  • Water plants in house. 
  • Clean shed and put trash items near trailer. 
  • Put lawn care equipment and power washer in garage.
  • Move indoor seedlings to the shelving units in the hoophouse.
  • Water plants in hoophouse. 
  • Put outdoor rug under lounge chairs on deck. 
  • Fill eight 6-inch and seven 12-inch plastic pots with compost on deck to become containers of annual and perennial herbs.  
  • Organize tools in hoophouse.
  • Begin spreading wood chips around new raised beds. 
  • Begin filling new raised beds with compost. 
Would you guess all of it???  Yes, sir, it was a very big day at the farm!!!

Still needs organizing, but is so much better!
The pots are still a mess, but at least all in one place. 
The step ladder is too big for the space; it was later swapped out for a small one from the basement. 
These lounge chairs are surprisingly comfortable.  Can't wait for warm weather!!
The new beds receive only seven hours or less of sun a day.
For some who likes order through symetry, I didn't like this arrangement.
I moved all the containers to the left and the baker's rack to the right. 
The rhubarb is coming along nicely even after being moved four years in a row.  
I want to double the number of containers of mint to four in my perennial herb bed. 
The grape vine is budding on the trellis. 
Postscript #1 - Germination from two out of the three lettuce sowings in window boxes (Salad Blend and Mesclun - sowed April 21, 7 days). Still waiting for Bronze Mignonette.
Postscript #2 - The sage plant grown last year in a container is showing signs of life as well as the thornless blackberry bush.
Postscript #3 - Keeping fingers crossed that the French Tarragon plant purchased last year made it through the winter. No signs of life yet.

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