Sunday, March 15, 2015

Taxes Versus Gardening

Yes, I am NOT allowed to do any gardening chores until I finish taxes!!!  I've been singing that chant all week, but to no avail.  But today I am SERIOUS, no gardening until taxes are DONE. It is now 8:00 am; let's see how long it takes!!


I am happy to report that my daughter's taxes are finished.  I decided to do our own taxes tomorrow (I know, I did bend the rules a bit).  I'm off to inspect, water and thin my seedlings.

Postscript #1 - Winterbor and Blue Vates Kale have germinated (sowed March 11, 4 days).
Postscript #2 - Little Gem and Prizehead lettuce have germinated, a day later than the other four lettuce varieties (sowed March 11, 4 days).

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