Tuesday, March 31, 2015

More Brassicas

I may have started the brassicas (broccoli and kale) too early. We still have at least one foot of snow covering the garden and raised beds and still have below freezing nights. In case they become root bound in their small six-packs while waiting for warmer weather, I plan to start another round of these seedlings. I am also going to start cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprouts today. UPDATE: I decided to sow more kale, but not add more broccoli to the inventory for now.

Brassicas 18 days old
The varieties that I planted in six-packs include:
  • Cabbage - Red Acre (1), Golden Acre (2), Danish Ballhead (2), Savoy (1) 
  • Cauliflower - Snowball X (2)
  • Brussel Sprouts - Long Island Improved (2)
  • Kale - Lacinato (1), Dwarf Blue Vates (1), Red Russian (1)
  • Swiss Chard - Rainbow Blend (2), Forkhook (2)
Postscript #1 - The Eggplant Shooting Stars container shows signs of germination.  I am extremely happy; I was disappointed to think I wouldn't have the beautiful purple and white striped eggplant among the mix of this year's eggplant. 

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