Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday's Odds 'n Ends #3

The geraniums have been potted up!
Following are the tasks I finished today that were carried over from this weekend:
  1. Watered as needed. 
  2. Fertilized as needed. 
  3. Moved geraniums from 3" pots to 4 1/2" pots. 
  4. Transplanted delphiniums
  5. Transplanted black-eyed susans
  6. Moved asparagus from 4-packs to 4" pots. 
The asparagus seedlings were buried two inches deep into bigger pots.
Postscript #1 -  No evidence of germination from the foxglove and coreopsis (full moon and early sunrise) seeds planted on February 28.  Research suggests up to a 30 day germination; I will wait until March 31 before declaring them not viariable (seeds were at six years old).
Postscript #2 - The first sowing of black-eyed susans (February 25) looks far less robust than the second sowing (February 28).  I will transplant the February 25 seedlings to individual 3" pots and toss the February 28 seedlings growing in the 4"x8" container. 

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