Friday, March 13, 2015

More Cool Weather Crops

Crisp snow peas, an early spring treat
The broccoli side shoots are a welcome sight.
Knowing I wouldn't have time to work on gardening today, I decided to sow cool weather vegetable seeds yesterday evening.  I've been distracted by other tasks all week and knew I shouldn't further delay starting these seeds:

Broccoli (Green Sprouting Calabrese): Livingston, 2014.  Planted seeds in two 6-packs, 1/4" deep. Days to maturity, 80. Characteristics: sun/partial shade, good producer, central head and lateral clusters, freezes well.

Broccoli (Waltham 29): Botanical Interests, ~2013.  Planted seeds in two 6-packs, 1/4" deep. Days to maturity, 75. Characteristics: sun/partial shade, good producer, central head and lateral clusters, freezes well, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron, 4-6" blue-green heads, freezes well.

Peas (Super Sugar Snap): Botanical Interests, 2015.  Planted seeds in fifteen 3" pots, 1" deep. Expected germination time, 5-10 days.  Did not pre-soak seeds as recommended.  Characteristics: improved snap pea, earlier harvest, better yields and excellent disease resistance, plump, crisp pods, sweet round peas, 5-foot vines, needs pole or trellis.  Will transplant into hoophouse first week of April and perhaps some into shoveled raised bed.

Spinach (America): Livingston Seed, 2014.  Planted seeds in twelve 3" pots 1/2" deep. The packet recommends direct sowing, but I had success starting them indoors last year. Days to maturity, 45-55. Characteristics: heirloom, sun/partial shade, outstanding flavor, savoy-leafed curly leaves, freezes well, compact variety, soil must be 50-70 degrees.

Spinach (Bloomsdale Long Standing): Livingston Seed, 2014.  Planted seeds in six 3" pots 1/2" deep. The packet recommends direct sowing, but I had success starting them indoors last year. Days to maturity, 48. Characteristics: sun, mild-flavored leaves, thick, crinkly, glossy, dark green, tender leaves, contains vitamin A, calcium, proteins, soil must be 50-70 degrees.

I also planted one herb:

Lemongrass (Cympogon flexuosis): Fedco Seeds, 2015.  Planted seeds in three 3" pots, pressing into top of soil and very lightly covering. Characteristics: not a good germinator, sprinkled more seeds on top.

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