Thursday, March 12, 2015

"Pop" Goes the Growlight!

It doesn't take much to startle me, just ask my family!  And this morning was a doozy, jumping clear out my chair!

I was sitting at the kitchen table and heard a few crackling sounds.  I looked toward the growlights and saw sparks shooting out of the 6-way surge protector. It seems one of the chains on the T-light strips came into contact with the outlet and caused a short.  I immediately turned off the switch on the surge protector and pulled its plug out from the wall. 

After letting the growlights rest for a few hours, I was brave enough to investigate the situation.  I unplugged the entire set up and, carefully, one by one, plugged in the ten lights.  Everything looked fine, no burned out lights, no overheating, etc.  The surge protector is credited with the save.  My husband had set a timer for both the kitchen table and slider setups.  I am going to manually throw the switches until he checks out the situation this evening. 

Today I did nothing more than reorganize the containers, and water and thin seedlings where needed.  Here are some visuals below:

Consolidated most of the flowers on the kitchen table

Onions are only looking "ok"; can't decide if they are getting too much or too little water.
The rosemary are growing strong!
The asparagus now total over 40, some are begging for water!!
The parsley is developing its curly leaves!
The pansies will be ready in time for spring!

Postscript #1 - I am declaring the Disco Belle Hibiscus seeds not viable.  It has been 23 days (range is 14-21 days). The seeds were six or seven years old from a seed swap; the outcome was not unexpected. 
Postscript #2 - There was germination in the petunia flavours container today, one teeny, tiny sprout!

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