Sunday, March 1, 2015

Plant Count - March 1, 2015

  1. Delphiniums  21
  2. Geraniums  19
  3. Hibiscus, White  5
  4. Lavender  15
  5. Lobelia  ~200
  6. Pansies  50
  7. Salvia, Blue Bedder  18
  8. Sweet William  35
  9. Verbena  30
  10. Vinca  21
  11. Viola  16
  1. Rosemary  16
  2. Oregano, Common  60
  3. Oregano, Zaatar  24
  4. Oregano, Greek  75
  5. Parsley, Triple Curled Moss  16
  1. Leeks  50
  2. Onions, Ailsa Craig  ~100
  3. Onions, Copra  ~180
  4. Onions, Red Amposta   ~125
  5. Onions, Red Bull  ~65
  6. Onions, Red Wethersfield  ~65
  7. Onions, Ringmaster  ~65
  8. Onions, Rossi Di Milano  ~125
  9. Onions, Sweet Spanish Yellow  ~80
  10. Onions, Tokyo Long Bunching  ~80
  11. Onions, Tropeana Lunga  ~65
  12. Onions, Walla Walla  ~57
  13. Shallots  ~100
Postscript #1 - Thinned all three varieties of oregano to 5 seedlings per cell.  Also thinned Triple Curled Parsley and transplanted one to an empty cell.
Postscript #2 - Thinning small seedlings, such as oregano, is difficult; it is best to remember to sow lightly. 

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