Sunday, March 22, 2015

Weekend Odds 'n Ends #2

The "chitting" is coming along!
Five sweet potato slips growing good roots.
Following is a list of the chores completed this morning:
  1. Watered as needed. 
  2. Fertilized as needed. 
  3. Thinned Independence Day tomatoes and added soil to top of containers. 
  4. Thinned broccoli, kale, arugula and all six varieties of lettuce to one each container or cell. 
  5. Transplanted three celery
Postscript #1 - Germination from the portulaca (sowed March 16, 6 days) and alyssum, Carpet of Snow and Royal Carpet (sowed March 20, 2 days).  The purple alyssum was about a half day behind on germination. 

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