Thursday, March 5, 2015

Skinny Seedlings

Seedlings emerge in various shapes and sizes. The ones that appeared overnight stand just over 1/2" tall and are as thin as a rail. They include celery (sowed February 18, 15 days), asparagus (sowed February 15, 18 days) and gypsophilia (sowed February 28, 4 days). They will be placed under growlights even though many other seeds in their containers haven't yet germinated.

The first three asparagus seedlings
I thinned the mixed snapdragons down to 65 seedlings in their 4"x8" container with the goal of transplanting three dozen after they've developed a second set of true leaves.  These seeds were very viable; it's reassuring to know that the seeds I harvested last year germinated at a very high rate. They are 1/4" tall after being sown only eight days ago. My hope is to have loads of snapdragons in the perennial bed as well as in containers on the patio.

Snapdragons are easy to grow and their seeds are easy to harvest!

TIP OF THE DAY!!  It's time to set up an oscillating fan near the young seedlings. I set the fan at a speed to mimic a gentle breeze.  Air circulation that is too forceful may be detrimental to your seedlings.  I run the fan for at least an hour or so a day, at no special time, just whenever I think of it. Supposedly, this helps ward off fungal diseases and develop sturdy stems, particularly for onions, leeks and scallions.  If you don't have a fan, brush the tops of the onions with your hand -- it works, too! 

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