Thursday, February 26, 2015

Time to Do Some Thinning

The Sweet William container received a second thinning this morning; the seedling count is now down to thirty-five.  Again, the goal is to transplant twenty-five seedlings into the perennial bed.  You may not notice the difference between the "before" and "after" photos, but I did remove about twenty seedlings.
I've also thinned rosemary seedlings.  It's easier to see the difference between these "before" and "after" shots. I want to add four more rosemary plants to the herb garden.  I might need six if last year's plants don't survive this winter.  Even if this is the case, I will still have plenty to share!

To Miracle Grow or Not Miracle Grow

The Sweet William seedlings are now two weeks old, 1/2"-3/4" tall, and although they do not have their second set of true leaves, I decided to give them a very dilute feed of Miracle Grow fertilizer. (This is the second time I've used Miracle Grow this growing season; five days ago I fed the geraniums.) Even though I won't use Miracle Grow in the hoop house and other outdoor garden beds, I've conceded to its indoor use. My seed starting mix contains a very small nutrient component and it is the easiest way for me to feed the large number of seedlings I grow under lights.

Long-term use of synthetic fertilizers, such as Miracle Grow, in the garden is detrimental to the health of soil. The accumulation of ammonium phosphates over time destroys the organisms in the soil which are vital to a healthy garden. Instead, I fertilize with loads of compost and use other natural sources of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, I don't apply insecticides; rather I cover crops with fleece and netting, pick off insects by hand, and spray off insects with soap and water. In regards to herbicides, I hand pull weeds, smother weeds with thick layers of mulch and, on rare occasion, use a white vinegar solution.

We should "feed the soil, not the plants" and "work with nature."

Postscript #1 Today the following seeds have germinated:
  • Pansy, Swiss Giants (sowed February 16, ten days)
  • Rossa di Milano onions (sowed February 19, seven days).
  • Lobelia, Crystal Palace (sowed February 17, nine days)
  • Delphinium (pulled out of refrigerator February 17, nine days)
  • Verbena (7 more)
  • White Hibiscus (1 more)

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