Monday, February 9, 2015

Rosemary Was Quick to Follow

Five rosemary seedlings made their appearance today.  I planted a total of 64 pelletized seeds, eight in each cell. I am curious when others will appear given that rosemary seeds have a low germination rate. I've decided to put both 4-packs under lights to get those early seedlings off to a good start.

Another two lavender seedlings also made a showing today in the container in which the seeds were covered. The "uncovered" container still has just one seedling.  I decided to move it from the bay window and put both lavender containers under growlights.

And we mustn't forget to mention that one geranium seedling made its debut today.  It's taking its time, however, unfurling its head ever so slowly.

The sweet potato on the right is really producing roots and has one sprout.  The other one, however, has many short roots but no sprouts to boast about.

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