Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dreaming of Last Year's Garden

In the midst of single digit temperatures and mounting snowfall, it's therapeutic to dream about last year's garden.  It was my best garden ever, harvesting over 1,600 lbs.  All plants were grown from seed, mostly indoors under growlights, and then hardened off in a 12'x20' hoophouse. The real thrill was donating to a local food bank and sharing the bounty with friends and family.

Here are some pictures to help alleviate winter woes:
Pepper and tomato plants were ready for hardening off in the hoophouse.
The hoophouse filled up fast with flats of vegetables, herbs and flowers.
Aerial view of the traditional row garden on the east side of the property
Look at that golden goodness from the sun.  Love it!
The west side of the garden has fourteen raised beds.
Four varieties of kale were planted in a small patch in the front yard.
The flower bed is a mix of perennial and annual flowers all grown from seed. 
Window boxes -- a fun way to grow cut-and-come again lettuce.
An early morning harvest!  A good ratatouille recipe, anyone?  
Twenty-one different varieties of tomatoes  
Although small, it was the first time growing a melon. 

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